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Stage-3: The Five Orange Pips

Stage-3: The Five Orange Pips

Liste Fiyatı : 7,00
İndirimli Fiyat : 4,90
Kazancınız : 2,10
Stage-3: The Five Orange Pips
Stage-3: The Five Orange Pips
On thefourth day after the nevtyearl heard my father give a sharp cry ofsurprise as we sat together at the breakfast-table. There he was, sitting with a hewly opened envelope in one hand and five dried orange pips in the outstretchedpalm of the other one. He had always laughed at what he called my cock-and-hull stoıy ahout the colonel, but he looked veıy scared and pıızzJed now that the same thing had come upon h im şelf.
  • Açıklama
    • On thefourth day after the nevtyearl heard my father give a sharp cry ofsurprise as we sat together at the breakfast-table. There he was, sitting with a hewly opened envelope in one hand and five dried orange pips in the outstretchedpalm of the other one. He had always laughed at what he called my cock-and-hull stoıy ahout the colonel, but he looked veıy scared and pıızzJed now that the same thing had come upon h im şelf.
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      Bu kitabı henüz kimse eleştirmemiş.